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Monday, October 20, 2008

Deciding what to get

If you've never gotten a tattoo you're probably wondering what you should get. I mean, this is for FOREVER right? There are ways of removing tattoo's but you really shouldn't plan on removal when you're getting something. So what things do you need to consider?

1. What do you want this tattoo to represent? Are you getting one just to get one (that's what I did the first time) or are you getting it to represent something? Do you want it to be a symbol for someone you lost? A symbol of a new stage in your life? A symbol of a new love? Figuring out exactly what you're trying to represent with your new piece of tattoed art is the first step.

This tattoo is one I got the day my grandmother died. When I was 12 she gave me this old fashioned handkercheif. It was so pretty I had always cherished it. I decided that she would love that something she gave me meant so much to me that I used it as a beautiful reminder of her spirit. It's funny because I actually got this a year ago YESTERDAY. The artist lifted one of the patterns of flowers on the handkercheif and used it to draw up this piece that's now on my forearm.

This tattoo I got the day I got home from my honey moon and my husband got the same one. It means 'tears'. We got it because we both bawled our eyes out on our wedding day because we were both SO HAPPY!! It was funny, he actually cussed during the vows. He was crying and couldn't say what he needed to so he was like, "shit!" and then realizing that he just swore in front of the pastor, he said, "oh, god damn it!" yeah...it was SO FUNNY! On our honey moon we had so much fun! Everytime I see that tattoo on him or see mine it reminds me of that time and how wonderful my man is!

This tattoo probably needs the most explaining and is one that I get the most questions on. I remember joking with the artist that did it when he was like, 'okay, what's this about' I was like, "HEY! If I'm into ball gags and chains then that's my business!!" of course that's not why I got this tattoo (although it has since been suggested that my hubby get 'owner' tattooed behind his ear!). I got this tattoo because I have a problem with addiction. I get consumed by things and then lose the balance that's so critical to having a joyful life. One time it was cocaine, another it was sex, another time it was shopping, and most of these things are fine but only in moderation. When people ask me about this tattoo it's a little reminder to make sure I'm on track with my goals for my life which can only be acheived by balance.

The final tattoo of mine that I've displayed for purposes of explaining this point is this one. When I got married I was so happy and changed my last name to Pfeiffer. I was proud that we were really 'together forever'!! Then some kind of weird thing happened because I freaked out about changing my name. I mean my whole life I'd been one person with this one name which had many great stories to go with it. It was asian sounding and rhymed with such words as bong, dong, thong, slong, you get the idea, I'm sure! I also got to get call from asian telemarketers attempting to sell me products to "keep my asian skin beautiful!" YEAH! Except for I am in no way ASIAN! It was amusing! Well I finally came to terms with the fact that changing my name did not, in fact, change me. In getting this tattoo I wanted something that would permanantly mark this change new phase of life. I'm a married woman now! I got our last name and I got the rose to be painted like a fire and ice rose because those are my absolute favorite and it's what my hubby always gets me.

I know the feelings that went through my head were varied with each new tattoo I've gotten. Some were amazing, some were okay. But when I really thought about everything before I decided to get a tattoo it ended up being exactly what I wanted! With the Pfeiffer tattoo I was a little unsure at first if I really wanted this "new" last name on my body forever. I then realized that no matter what happens, this is a part of my life that I'll want to look back on fondly and no matter what will always be a part of the person who I am now and who I'll become in the future. Just think about your tattoo and you'll decide what's right for you.


Moonfairy said...

hey lady, i'm so proud of you for doing this. your making my desire to get another tattoo become stronger. But honestly, i've had my own fears, so i thought this website was such a great idea...i'm working with someone for artwork on the fixing of my tattoo on my arm, if his work is good i will defineatly refer him to you. also, thanks for my plug about the anal ease, and i will try to get my website up for you asap...but of course your helping me with that too. I love you...thank you for being there for me and everything you've done for me.

Moonfairy said...

I just wanted to note that the previous comment was not ME! My cool chick friend Corrie was checking out my site while on my laptop and I was logged in!! So when she left that comment it showed up as me leaving it! Of course, right? Just so everyone knows I really WASN'T tooting my own horn!

Anonymous said...

hey the stories behind your tattoos are amazing. i did a lot of hunting for my tattoo design because i wanted something to represent girl power. i ended up choosing a small tribal thingy that didn't really mean anything, but to me it's a symbol of the struggles and pain i endured.

Moonfairy said...

That's awesome that you found something that expresses yourself so well!